الفنان عبده الدمرداش
ياللي القديم بهدلك، و جه الجديد ذلك
تشكي لمين بلوتك، ده الصبر أحسنلك
واحشني السحلب
السحلب هو اسم مشروب شهير يُنتج نبات من الاوركيد. مشروب السحلب من المشروبات الشعبية في شرق البحر المتوسط.

يعتقد أن تسمية سحلب مشتقة من “خصى الثعلب” Orchis Mascula وهو الاسم العربي لفصيلة الاوركيد التي ينتج منها المشروب، وهذا الاسم هو وصف شكلي لزهرة الاوركيد تلك. وعموماً فكلمة اوركيد مشتقة من (باليونانية: ὄρχις) وتعني “خصية”. ويعرف في المصادر العربية القديمة بإسم: “قاتل أخيه” ، وآدم وحواء. وقيل في تسميته أنه جاء من كلمة إستحلاب ، حيث يوضع مغلي أوراقه مع الحليب و العسل فيكون شرابا لطيفاً. يكثر وجود هذا النبات في إيران و المغرب وأفغانستان و تركيا وأجوده السحلب الإيراني.
يجنى النبات ويتم غسله وتقشيره ويقطع إلى شرائج ، ثم يسلق في أفران خاصة ويجفف في الهواء أياما. تحتوي درنات نبات السحلب عى 40% مادة غروية – 31% نشا – 13% دكسترين ، و زيت طيار ، و أملاح معدنية، و سكر.
ويعتبر مشروب السحلب من المشاريب المفضلة في مصر وكثير من الدول العربية وخصوصا في الشتاء
مسروق من المعرفة
Redirect WordPress Feeds
Moving my blog was a pain in the ass, the most difficult part was to mantain the redirections so search engines and feedreaders could still access my new blog using the same URLs and without the users having to change anything.
Since there was no much help online, here is how to make a 301 http redirect that will allow all requests and QUERY STRINGS passed to your root folder to be redirected somewhere else.
header( “HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently” );
header( “Status: 301 Moved Permanently” );
header( “Location: http://www.charafantah.com/wordpress/?”.$_SERVER[‘QUERY_STRING’]);exit(0);
Save this as index.php of your old location, this way if your old feed used any querystring parameters e.g. /?feed=rss2 it will be redirected properly, also direct access to your old blog home, will be redirected to the new place.
When corruption meets geekness
Moftasa posted this article on how he wrote a linux script that downloads all the obituaries published in Al Ahram newspaper between 2002 and 2008, finds all the names of people with Police titles then finds the family relations between them!
The script does the following:
- The first step is to convert the HTML files downloaded by curl into one giant text file.
- Then to move each separate obituary into a line of it’s own.
- Extract officer names sandwiched between rank and place of work into a separate text file.
- Search for the names of each officer through each obituary, family links between different officers can be discovered.
- The output is in GraphViz .dot format.
This is as cool as the Oracle Of Bacon
Bravo Moftasa.
On weaseling
Weaseling out of things is important to learn. It’s what separates us from the animals…except the weasel.
Homer J. Simpson
Tetris in Hell
Artificial Intelligence analysis of love
From the XKCD comics
Geek Stuff – Retro headset
Anyone remember 4 years ago, when i made a gadget called Pokia? it was a mimic of the original Pokia phone (now called Hulger); Here it is:
Anyway, i was surfing on ThinkGeek a couple of days ago, and found they have a “Retro bluetooth headset”, it’s basically the same idea of the Pokia, but with bluetooth 🙂
So i decided to make my own, thanks to Samer for the bluetooth headset, i used the old headset from my old pokia, and changed it into a bluetooth headset 🙂
I used Motorola HS820 bluetooth headset, my Samsung D600 phone and a Bell Phone retro headset from an old phone i had.
disassembling the headset was easy

The difficult part was to fit everything
in the headset and make
the buttons and charger to work
So yea! if you see some crazy dude talking in a retro headset with no wires connected to it, thats me and my bluetooth phone 🙂
And yes, i am a crazy geek 🙂